Phi Phi Islands

Phi Phi Islands
Viking Cave

The Bamboo structures used to be climbed to harvest Swallow nests used to make Bird's Nest Soup. Access is now prohibited to allow the birds to nest safely.

Phi Phi Islands

The water was such a nice colour but was quite rough from all the boats.

Phi Phi Islands

Interesting name for a boat...

Phi Phi Islands
Maya Bay

Access to Maya Bay is on foot from a different part of the island to protect the coral. Swimming is not allowed either.

Phi Phi Islands
Sand cat
Phi Phi Islands
Bamboo island

We made a quick swim stop here.

A few days ago we took a tour to the Phi Phi Islands off the west coast of South Thailand. One of the islands, Koh Phi Phi Lee, is famous for being the main location in the movie The Beach at Maya Bay.

It was exceptionally busy with tours visiting from Phuket, Ao Nang, and Koh Lanta. Maya Bay is the main attraction for all of the tours and our guide decided to delay our visit to try again when most of the other tours would be having lunch. This turned out to be a great move and it was relatively quiet when we were there.